Ayurvedic Medicinal Plants
Abutilon indicum

Chironji Tree

Family: Anacardiaceae (Cashew family)
Genus: Buchanania
Botanical name: Buchanania lanzan
Sanskrit: Akhatth, Muni, Piyala, prasavakh, Priyala, Rajanadanha, Upavatth
Hindi: Char, Chironji
English: Chironji Tree, almondette, calumpong nut, Cheronjee, Cuddapah almond, Hamilton mombin
Malayalam: Muungaappeezh, Nuramaram

A medium-sized nearly evergreen tree reaching 13-18 m in height. Fruit a drupe, ovoid-reniform, size of a small cherry, purplish-black. USES Seeds used as a sweetmeat, rich in oil. The bark contains tannin and the gum has medicinal properties, The wood is used as firewood. Growing period nearly evergreen tree. In India the flowers appear in January to March. The fruits ripen and the leaves are shed in April-May, and new leaves appear in June.
The roots are acrid, astringent, cooling, depurative and constipating, and are useful in treatment of diarrhoea. Leaves are used in the treatment of skin diseases. Fruits are used in treating cough and asthma.